EHT Collabration再為大家送上新發現,就係一張全新嘅黑洞相!繼2019年首次拍攝到第一張黑洞相後,今次尼一張黑洞相可以俾天文學家測量黑洞邊緣內磁力線嘅分佈。更多相關資料可以係EHT Collaboration嘅網頁睇到: A new view of the Black Hole at the centre of M87 has been captured again by The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration. Since the first photo taken in 2019, scientists have been working round the clock to gain a better understanding of how the black hole is like. With polarisation, …
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Mar 25
一眾Lego fans又可以準備開工啦!為慶祝首架穿梭機 …
一眾Lego fans又可以準備開工啦!為慶祝首架穿梭機於1981年4月12日升空,Lego同美國太空總署合作出版咗尼款「發現號」穿梭機嘅Lego組合。今次尼款穿梭機組合唔止有架機,仲有埋哈勃太空望遠鏡同台演出添呀!由於今次嘅組合有二千幾塊組件,所以Lego都話明係為大朋友而設,各位小朋友如果想砌埋一份就一定要搵爸爸媽咪一齊砌啦!「發現號」預計係4月1號登陸Lego網上店同埋Lego各大門市,大家要密切留意啦!更多資料可以係以下網頁搵到架: To celebrate the 40 anniversary of the first Space Shuttle flight on 12th April 1981, Lego has collaborated with NASA in developing this 2,354 pieces NASA Space Shuttle Discovery set. Featuring not only the shuttle itself, but also the ionic Hubble Space Telescope.Check out Lego’s official website for the interview done …
ShareSep 28
黎緊中秋長假期,陰陰沈沈無月睇,不如一齊整座食得嘅望遠鏡呀!又睇得,又食得,又用得(應該),真係一次過滿足哂3個願望呀! Check out this video of telescope production with chocolate! See if you are skillful enough to make one! Share
ShareSep 18
之前有報告話係金星大氣中發現有磷化氫(PH3)。係地球上嘅自然情況下,磷如果要以化合物型態出現嘅話,通常會係以氧化物型式出現。今次嘅發現引起左天文界懷疑:金星尼個「煉獄」其實係咪有班「隱世」微生物居住緊呢?大家對於金星可能有生命點睇法?不如俾吓意見呀! 想睇清楚啲先?可以到以下連結睇吓架: The discovery of phosphine (PH3), a phosphours compound which should normally exist in oxidised form, on Venus hit the Astronomical World. Heated discussion on whether live exists on Venus was also brought forward. What do you think about this discovery? Let‘s throw your ideas. Wanna know more? Check it out from this link: …
ShareJul 08
去旅行帶漏SD卡…唉…無辦法啦,唯有俾人劏去遊客區買啦! 但係,如果你係去太空,帶漏左SD卡,邊度搵個遊客區俾你買番張卡呀? 有位去左國際太空站嘅太空人就發現自己大頭蝦,唔記得放張SD卡落去部action cam度。咁點算?咪唯有開咪搵美國太空總署幫手囉!咁又好彩太空站上面有後備,用住部DSLR頂住先啦!😂… Forgot your SD card on your trip? No problem! Get one at your nearest store! But what if you are out of this world when something like this happen? Well, this is exactly what flight engineer Drew Feustel was facing when he had arrived at ISS. He was trying to …
ShareJul 07
三十年前,哈勃太空望遠鏡成為人類係宇宙嘅眼睛,為我哋帶黎宇宙鮮為人知嘅一面。美國太空總署將哈勃太空望遠鏡送番黎地球嘅精彩照片輯錄成片,請大家細心欣賞: 30 years ago, Hubble Space Telescope became the eyes of Earthlings in our mysterious Universe. In honour of Hubble’s hard work, NASA has made a video out of it’s masterpieces. Enjoy! Share
ShareJul 05
熱辣辣,可以匿埋係啲涼浸浸嘅地方就好啦!歐洲太空總署為大家送上透心涼嘅科羅廖夫隕石坑!近睇係個溜冰場,遠睇係舊綿花糖,而且仲冰涼又舒服(應該係啩),真係一次過滿足哂3個願望呀!想了解多啲尼個隕石坑嘅資料可以參考歐洲太空總署嘅網頁:仲可以跟住探測船一齊飛過尼個隕石坑添喎! What’s better than stuffing yourself into a nice cool little room, when it’s hot and stuffy outside! Check out this new festive favour especially for you on Mars, presented by The European Space Agency (ESA)! As a meteor crater, Korolev Crater is located in the Northern hemisphere on Mars, and has a volume comparable …
ShareJul 02
哇,2/7凌晨係關東上空出現火流星呀!大家可以click入以下連結,有埋片睇添呀! A fireball was spotted in the Japan’s night sky on 2 Jul, local time. Check out the video from the following link: Share
ShareJun 18
生日快樂呀!美國太空總署送份「生日禮物」俾大家!大家只要click落下面條連結,揀選番自己生日日期,就可以睇到哈勃太空望遠鏡係大家生日當日睇到嘅星空架啦! 祝各位已過生日、今日生日同埋就黎生日嘅朋友生日快樂!🥳…/goddard/what-did-hubble-see-on-your-… Surprising birthday gift from NASA! Check out what Hubble Space Telescope has seen on your birthday by inputting your birthday to the link below. Wish everybody a happy birthday! 🥳…/goddard/what-did-hubble-see-on-your-… Share
ShareMay 20
為紀念Earth Observatory 20年,地球日50周年…
為左紀念Earth Observatory係太空努力工作20年,以及地球日50周年,美國太空總署係4月時舉辦左一個相片比賽。不過尼個比賽唔係俾「地球人」參加,而係俾「外太空」朋友參加架!想知道比賽結果同欣賞吓尼啲外太空相,請click入以下連結細心欣賞啦!…/v…/tournament-earth-2020 To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Earth Observatory, as well as 50th anniversary of Earth Day, NASA held a photo contest in April, and this contest is an absolutely our-of-this-world one! Check out all the stunning outside-Earth’s photos here:…/v…/tournament-earth-2020 Share