有位去左國際太空站嘅太空人就發現自己大頭蝦,唔記得放張SD卡落去部action cam度。咁點算?咪唯有開咪搵美國太空總署幫手囉!咁又好彩太空站上面有後備,用住部DSLR頂住先啦!😂
Forgot your SD card on your trip? No problem! Get one at your nearest store!
But what if you are out of this world when something like this happen?
Well, this is exactly what flight engineer Drew Feustel was facing when
he had arrived at ISS. He was trying to capture himself doing spacewalk
outside the ISS with his action camera, when he saw that the camera was
flashing an abnormal red light. He called NASA for help, and was told
that he has forgotten his SD card.
And the solution?
Pick up the DSLR in ISS for filming!