

Dec 02

細龜的天文遊歷記: 天文學會觀星camp(一)



“Girls, will you please keep quiet and pay attention to what your classmate says to you.”


“Notices from The SA. The SA is going to hold a souvenir sale on the 23rd of November, Friday, during lunchtime. Books, bookmarks and other souvenirs of SA will be sold. Do not miss your chance to pick up your favourites! Notices from the Editorial Board. The writing competition is now opened for entries. Please submit your work latest by the end of January. All the entries will be judged by our moderators and selected works will be published in this year’s yearbook. For further details, please refer to our circular. Notices from houses and clubs. Astronomy Club. The newsletter of November is ready for collection. May all members please go to our club pigeon hole to collect. This year, our club is going to organize a Christmas camp on the 22nd of December and 23rd of December, Saturday and Sunday. For those who are interested please sign your name on the circular. For details, please also refer to our circular. Bridge and Chess Club. The bridge and chess club is going to organize a joint club…”








「上Bio呀。行啦,要去Bio Lab啦。」

細龜抱著Bio書,跟C及一眾同學一起向Bio Lab進發。當我們魚貫地走進Bio Lab坐下時,一位身形瘦削、頭髮捲曲,年齡介乎22–25歲的憨直青年慌張的衝到教師枱前,把手上的Biology for the 90s重重的往枱上一放,然後慌張的環視了我們,用著『唔鹹唔淡』的英語說:

“Good morning, girls!”

他,就是天文學會的其中一位moderator:Mr. Simon Wong。回上起第一天於Bio Lab發生的情景...

我們正開心地聊天之際,一名中等身形、沒帶眼鏡的憨直青年慌張地向教師枱狂奔。將手上的Biology for the 90s重重的往枱上一放後,慌張的看了我們三十秒,然後使出必被我們笑至面黃的英語說:

“Girls, I am Mr. Simon Wong!”



在一片爆笑聲中,這位自稱Mr. Simon Wong的男子說:「我叫黃大文...」

「啪啪啪 (拍枱之聲也)...嘩哈哈哈哈哈哈...」




聽到這句說話後,大家也略為認真的看了這位Mr. Simon Wong一眼。雖然我們都是很『好動』的學生,但被老師這麼一說後也懂得扮收歛,把剛才如開動引擎般的巨大笑聲轉化成低聲的偷笑聲。

以上就是Mr. Simon Wong的第一堂F.3 Bio。在往後的日子裡,雖然我們仍是會嘲笑他 (特別是他的英文),但跟他熟絡後也開始發現他的好處。他是一位完全沒有架子,而且十分十分害羞的老師。他從來不會高聲罵人的,而且即使他罵了,大家還是懵然無知。上課時雖然大部分時間都很悶,但他偶然也會製造一些「笑位」出來 (這當然不是他本人預先安排的),就好像現在龜在發呆的一瞬間:

“Small turtle, can you tell us something about photosynthesis?”


“Photosynthesis depends on sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. During daytime, the chlorophyll in the leaves receive sunlight, and by making use of water and carbon dioxide that are originally present in the soil and the atmosphere respectively, the leaves carry out photosynthesis. Leaves do not always carry out photosynthesis, but also respiration…”

當龜慢慢地將photosynthesis這一課的第一段背出來時, Mr. Wong的口張得越來越大。而當龜把整段背完後,他的口已經大得可以放進一個「新奇士」了。

“Small turtle, are you a photocopier?”



全班同學聽了他這個奇怪的問題後都捧腹大笑,就連細龜也不好意思地搔著頭跟大家一起笑。Mr. Wong還不知道我們在笑什麼。

“Girls, why are you so happy?”


就這樣,我們又渡過了一堂Bio。而往後的Bio堂裡,仍是在我們爆笑,Mr. Wong疑惑地看著我們中渡過。

以上就是我們的其中一位moderator,Mr. Simon Wong,跟學生的相處之道。

(還有另一位moderator的哦!!請密切留意「細龜的天文遊歷記: 天文學會觀星camp(二)」,包你開懷大笑!)


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